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Conditions: Neck Pain

Conditions: Neck Pain

Neck pain is a relatively common ailment, which most of us will experience at least once in our lifetime. In most cases, neck pain will improve and disappear on its own, but if you frequently suffer from this problem, or find that conventional ways of relieving your pain are not working, you may want to consider chiropractic care.

About neck pain

The neck is a very important part of our body, containing the very top of the spine, called the cervical spine as well as many blood vessels and nerves that supply structures including our esophagus, larynx, trachea and thyroid gland. The neck is also home to major blood vessels including the carotid arteries and jugular veins.

When there is tension in the neck, it can have a significant impact on the flow of blood between the head and body, as well as cause compression of the nerves and potentially the spinal cord. When this happens, it can have an effect on other areas of the body, including the upper and lower limbs. 

What causes neck pain?

In many instances, the exact cause of neck pain may never be known, but some of the most common causes believed to be behind the majority of cases include:

  • Sleeping in an awkward position

  • Bad posture

  • Trapped nerve

  • An injury, such as from a vehicle collision or fall

The pain you experience may also differ. It may be a constant dull ache or a sharp pain that occurs when you place your head a certain way or perform a specific movement, such as turning your head from side to side.

In many cases, neck pain may be accompanied by other symptoms, including swelling or inflammation in the neck, pain that radiates into the shoulders or upper arms, or headaches.

Conditions: Headaches

Conditions: Headaches

A headache is a very generalized term given to pain that is felt in the head or sometimes the neck. There are many different types of pain associated with headaches ranging from acute localized discomfort to a more generalized ache. Some headaches may appear suddenly and only last for a short period of time while others may build gradually and last for several hours.

Types of headaches

While experts have identified more than 150 different types of headaches, some are more common than others.  These include:

Tension headaches

By far the most common type of headache is a tension headache, which is usually attributed to stress. They tend to come and go and cause mild to moderate pain with no other symptoms. 


Migraines are often considered to be more painful than a tension headache. They last longer ranging anywhere from a few hours to a few days and are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as sensitivity to light, smells, or sound, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and loss of appetite. Some people suffer from recurrent migraines and may experience multiple episodes in a short period of time.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches tend to occur in groups and even though no one is sure why are more common in men than women. The pain associated with a cluster headache tends to be a burning or piercing sensation that is localized behind or around one eye. It can also be so severe that the patient can’t function properly until the pain eases.

Sinus headaches

Sinus headaches tend to occur when one has a cold or sinus infection. With a sinus headache, the pain is felt in your cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of your nose where the sinuses are located since it is caused by the swelling of your sinuses. The pain usually decreases after taking anti-inflammatory pain medication. 

There is a range of things that you can do to help with one-off headaches, such as taking pain medications, drinking plenty of water, and trying to relax somewhere calm and quiet. However, if you suffer from recurrent headaches, you may want to consider seeking chiropractic care, which has been shown to be very successful in providing relief and even helping prevent this type of pain.

Conditions: Sciatica

Conditions: Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition that affects many people today. It typically manifests as pain in the lower back or buttocks that radiates down to the legs or feet. This pain can be felt in one or both legs and is often difficult to describe. Patients have also found that the pain can change in frequency or intensity ranging from mild to severe and can be debilitating at times. Patients have reported various sensations related to sciatica pain including pins and needles while at other times it may be described as dull, or even like electric shocks.

The discomfort that sciatica patients experience often causes them to be willing to try anything to alleviate the condition. Understanding a few things about sciatica may help you decide what is best for you.

What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica is understood as a compression of the sciatic nerve. This compression can occur as the sciatic nerve leaves the spinal column and travels down to the legs and there are many possible causes of sciatica that vary in their severity.

  • Subluxations – subluxations occur when the vertebrae in the spine are misaligned. These misalignments can cause restrictions or pressure on different nerves. Subluxations on the sciatic nerve are a common occurrence for many patients.

  • Herniated or bulging discs – The padding or discs between the vertebrae can be damaged or deformed which can create issues with the sciatic nerve resulting in sciatica.

  • Pregnancy – The drastic changes that occur to a woman’s body during pregnancy can create issues along the pelvis and spinal column. Some of these issues may cause a problem with the sciatic nerve.

  • Tumors – A potentially severe issue occurs when a tumor grows in or along the spinal column. One of the first signs of tumor growth in your spine may be a change in sensation that is caused by the tumor placing pressure against your nerves. Your chiropractor can help diagnose the cause of your discomfort and ensure that you get the appropriate treatment.

  • Piriformis syndrome – The sciatic nerve travels underneath the piriformis muscle which can be damaged in slips or falls. If the muscle experiences a strain or tightness, it may affect the ability of the sciatic nerve to function. Cramping or twitching of this muscle can also trigger pain associated with sciatica.

Diagnosing Sciatica

As you have just read, sciatica can be caused by a wide range of issues. Several concerns may extend beyond your discomfort when considering an appropriate diagnosis. Any time that your nerves are affected, there is a range of potential causes that should be thoroughly investigated in order to receive a proper diagnosis.

If your issue isn't properly diagnosed, the subsequent treatment may be ineffective. This could lead to continued pain and frustration on your part. Be sure to work with a licensed chiropractor to receive the best care possible.

Using Chiropractic Care to Treat Sciatica

If you have worked through a diagnosis with your chiropractor and decided that chiropractic care is the best option for you, then you can begin your treatment plan immediately. You should make sure to ask any questions
you may have about your plan and then adjust as needed. Your chiropractor will likely use several different options in the treatment of your sciatica.

  • Ice or Cold Therapy – These methods use temperature cooling to reduce any inflammation that may be contributing to your sciatica.

  • Ultrasound – Ultrasound produces radio waves that result in a gentle massaging sensation. This helps to stimulate the muscles and nerves in order to reduce your sciatica pain.

  • Electrotherapy – This therapy uses gentle electric pulses to stimulate and heal the muscles around the joints.

  • Spinal Manipulation – Your chiropractor may also help to align the vertebrae in your spine to relieve pinching or pressure on the sciatic nerve. You may experience some cracking in the spine as the chiropractor releases gases from the spinal column and reduces overall pressure.


If you are experiencing sciatica pain, your first step should be to meet with a licensed chiropractor to receive the proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. You should leave with a better understanding of what type of results you should expect and how long your treatment will last. Chiropractic care for your sciatica offers some of the safest and simplest treatments possible to produce the most significant positive outcomes for you and your health.

Conditions: Herniated Disc

Conditions: Herniated Disc

Intervertebral discs are found all throughout the spinal column except for the C1 and C2 vertebrae (the Axis and Atlas).  These discs act to cushion the vertebrae from each other as well as the impacts that are felt throughout the spinal column. While many people will describe painful back issues as a “slipped disc,” this isn’t really the case as the intervertebral discs don’t actually slide out of place. What many people experience is called a bulge. This bulging disc is also called a herniated disc.

Causes of a Herniated Disc

Herniated discs may occur for a variety of reasons. A damaged disc may be the result of poor posture or due to the patient being overweight which places additional stress on the spinal column. Discs may also become herniated due to a sports or other traumatic injury.

Some patients have even suggested that a relatively minor activity, such as a sneeze, has caused a herniated disc. This is usually the end result of a long-term weakening of the disc that has been unnoticed until a small movement finally makes the injury apparent.

Signs of a Herniated Disc

The signs and symptoms of a herniated disc can vary widely. This is because damaged discs manifest in different ways at various points in the spinal column.  For instance, discs that are damaged in the lower back may cause intense pain in the legs, lower back, or buttocks. But if the herniated disc is in the neck, pain is more likely to present in the shoulders or arms. The pain experienced from a herniated disc can also be felt as a sharp, shooting pain when you sneeze, cough, or move in a specific position.

Many people who have experienced a herniated disc also describe numbness or tingling in their extremities. This numbness and tingling may be felt in the same area as the pain which is related to the location of the herniated disc.

The longer that an individual goes with a herniated disc, the more likely they are to also experience weakness due to the inability of nerves to properly communicate with the affected body parts. The lack of a signal leads to muscle atrophy and a weakening of the muscles.

Treatment Options

If you are experiencing shooting pain in the arms, shoulders, legs, or buttocks that is accompanied by numbness or tingling, you should consider seeking medical treatment. Many people often consult with their chiropractor first who can offer a treatment plan that is specifically designed for them.

Your chiropractor may recommend including adjustments or manual manipulation in conjunction with therapeutic exercises to help relieve your pain and correct the problem.

Chiropractic adjustments are designed to help your herniated disc in a variety of ways. Typically, manual manipulations are designed to ensure that your spine is in the correct position. Proper spine alignment can help with the effects of a herniated disc by moving the disc away from the nerve or by reducing the pressure that is causing the disc deformity.

Nerves that are impinged against the spine or that are subjected to increased pressure can be the cause of your pain or numbness. Proper spine alignment can help the disc resume the appropriate shape and allow it to heal. Manual adjustments have also been shown to increase the disc height which offers additional cushioning for your joints.


A herniated disc can be an excruciatingly painful experience. Individuals who experience a herniated disc are often desperate to find immediate solutions to their pain. Utilizing chiropractic care is a non-invasive technique that doesn’t require the lengthy recovery times that are needed by surgeries. Additionally, chiropractic care may help to reduce or eliminate a patient’s need for potentially addictive medications. If you are experiencing pain and suspect that you may have a herniated disc, you should schedule an appointment with your chiropractor today so that they can help you return to a pain-free life.

Chiropractic Care for an Active Lifestyle

Chiropractic Care for an Active Lifestyle

If you are a person who enjoys an active lifestyle, the last thing that you want is to be sidelined by an injury or pain. While chiropractic care is often seen as a therapy that can help to heal an athlete, it can also be used to help make you more resilient and improve your overall athletic abilities.

While people who lead active lifestyles are typically aware of the overall benefits of their increased movement, there are also some drawbacks. Some injuries occur from overuse of joints or the increased impact that we impose on our joints from high-impact activities like running, skiing, or hiking which all can have effects on our necks and backs. Chiropractic care can not only help to reduce the pain we feel but a properly aligned back can also reduce the potential for future injuries.

Here are some of the other benefits of receiving regular chiropractic care when you participate in an active lifestyle.

  • It is drug-free – We often associate visits to the doctor with an accompanied trip to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. While taking medication may help to reduce pain, many people don’t like to take medications as they prefer to avoid introducing foreign chemicals into their bodies. Chiropractic care can offer the same benefits as many medications but avoids any side effects or unknown long-term issues that are associated with certain medications.

  • It is non-invasive – Many people use chiropractic therapy to avoid surgery. Chiropractic care does not require your body to be cut open or have an overnight hospital stay. Most chiropractic procedures can be done over your lunch break and leave you returning to work feeling better than you did that morning.

  • Prevents Injuries – Chiropractic care is used by a wide range of people for short- and long-term treatments. Speak with your chiropractor to develop a long-term plan that will help you avoid future injuries.

  • Improves Performance – Proper spinal health helps people move more freely which can result in their ability to train more effectively. This can help runners achieve faster mile times or other athletes compete at higher levels than they would have been able to otherwise.

  • Reduces Pain – When your spine isn’t properly aligned, everything you do can be affected. Many patients even have pain so severe that it affects their ability to breathe. When your spine is happy, it alleviates the pain associated with normal activities and can reduce the swelling or inflammation along your vertebrae.

  • Increases Strength – While chiropractic care is typically used for treatment, long-term use can increase your overall strength. Studies have shown that athletes who regularly visit the chiropractor are stronger than their competitors who do not.

  • Improves Relaxation – Chiropractic care isn’t just about cracking your back (although this does often happen) but is also about working through your entire spinal comfort. Chiropractic appointments often entail an extensive massage that works through multiple pressure points which is why you shouldn't be surprised if you feel an overall sense of improved relaxation after your appointments.


While the few benefits given here are not an exhaustive list of the improvements you can expect from a chiropractic appointment, they should provide some motivation for you to schedule an appointment today. Our lives can be greatly improved when we can remain active and engaged in the world around us.

Chiropractic care is just one avenue that you can explore to keep your body in the best condition to continue exploring. If you haven’t used a chiropractor before, now is the time to give it a try. You may even wonder why you haven’t utilized their services before.  

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